"Time to change"
Конференция № 1 о преподавании английского языка и управлении языковыми центрами
Время не ждёт!
Образование уже не будет прежним. Время нестандартных решений, быстрых реакций, смелых идей наступило.

Новые форматы выходят на сцену, и сейчас, как никогда, важно быть открытыми всему новому, впитывать новые знания, общаться с теми, кто на одной волне, присваивать опыт тех, кто уже делает, создает меняет.

Время перемен (time to change) – главная тема конференции Trendy 9 и основной тренд 2020-2021 года.

Ключевая цель конференции – обмен реальным опытом преподавания английского языка и управления языковым центром. Онлайн нетворкинг с другими участниками и спикерами — еще удобнее, чем в оффлайне!
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  • Anka Zapart
    Time to…start keeping a journal?
    Anka Zapart is a teacher, a teacher trainer and an ADOS at BKC IH Moscow. She has been teaching for over 15 years. Her professional interests are all related to teaching early years, primary and pre-primary students and involve practical solutions for the classroom in the area of storytelling, literacy, songs and craft as well as the research in the second language acquisition in preschoolers and assessment for VYL and YL.
  • John Hughes
    Time to make your online language teaching Positive, Practical, and Personal
    John Hughes is an award-winning ELT coursebook author and teacher trainer. With over 50 titles, his main course series are Life, World English (National Geographic Learning) and Business Result (Oxford University Press). He's also written methodology titles and is the series editor of the ETpedia teacher resource series (Pavilion ELT). He trains teachers from all over the world and leads courses in materials writing and critical thinking at Oxford University. His website is www.johnhugheselt.com.
  • Anne Robinson
    Time to get teens interacting - digitally
    Anne Robinson is a seminar presenter and seminar team trainer for Cambridge Assessment English, and a very active teacher trainer. She is an author for Cambridge University Press, namely of Fun Skills, Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers and the Exam Booster for Advanced. Since March 2020, Anne has been supporting teachers with numerous webinars and articles and in writing content for digital resources, including the A2 Exam Lift and Kahoots for young learners. Anne also aims to support teachers by sharing tips and resources on her webpage www.teachingtogether.info.
  • Margarita Kosior
    Time to Tell a Story to Inspire Change
    Margarita Kosior is an educator, teacher trainer, conference presenter, materials writer, but also a storyteller and a children's author. She has written "Toby to the rescue", a picture book in the Tales of Strays series, and started a campaign with the same name aiming to raise awareness of the issue of stray animals through storytelling and English language teaching.
  • David Valente
    Time to develop children's autonomy as language learners: from picturebooks to home books
    David Valente is the Coordinator of the IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Group. He works as a PhD Research Fellow in English Language and Literature Subject Pedagogy at Nord University, Norway, where he teaches on the 5-year Masters degree in Primary Education. David has over 20 years' experience in ELT as a teacher, teacher educator, academic manager, author and editor and his specialist interests include children's literature in ELT, English teacher education and intercultural learning. David is also one of the authors of the new Cambridge FUN Skills series.
  • Ellen Setterfield
    Time to Motivate: Engaging Young Learners both On and Offline
    Ellen Setterfield is the Young Learner Product Marketing Executive for National Geographic Learning. With over 15 years' experience of working with children and teenagers, and teaching experience in Russia, the Czech Republic and the UK, she is passionate about helping Young Learners use English to understand the world around them.

  • Alena Gorovaya
    Time to teach students to succeed!
    Director of Studies at London Express Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarskiy krai); Qualified and certified CELTA and teacher with 12 years experience; Part-time teacher at Krasnoyarsk Regional in-service teacher training institute; Russian State Exam Expert; CAE, TKT, DELTA M1.
  • James Egerton
    Time to...Trigger the Teen Spirit
    James is a Delta-qualified teacher trainer and teacher currently working at International House Rome Accademia Britannica. Alongside extensive experience with online teacher training, he is a CELTA Trainer (both physical and online courses) and IHCYLT course tutor, and he blogs on ELT at www.jamesegerton.wordpress.com. He counts online teacher training/teaching and educational psychology among his most-valued specialities.
Tilda Publishing
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  • Кристина Миленская
    I can't single one speaker out because everyone shares their brilliant ideas and best practices in teaching with us :))))) Thank you, Trendy English for this great opportunity to be a part of it! )) and I express my special thanks to you for the different formats of performances and the great team you have!
  • Юлия Мехович
    Я восхищена до глубины души той работой, которую проделала и продолжает делать команда Trendy English! Я специально завела будильник, чтоб не проворонить начало конференции-оно того стоило! Это было эпично и очень неожиданно! А как стильно! Это космический уровень! Про ценность каждого выступления и так понятно-очень полезно, как всегда! Это как дорогая конфета-обертка привлекает и изумляет, и на вкус-наивкуснейшая!
  • Наталья Сафонова
    Trendy English Conference is such a great mind and language methodology booster! My teaching world's just turned upside down, my notepad is almost full of incredibly important notes.And I feel so ready to discuss and share all the ideas with my colleagues, to go into the details of all raised by best speakers teaching methods to get familiar with them and to use them in practice ASAP Thank you so much!
  • Tatyana Astakhova
    Спасибо за такое масштабное мероприятие! Организация просто шикарная, с технической стороны всё прекрасно! В основном была на площадках Teens and Young LearnersELT Cafe is definitely awesomeСпасибо за возможность обсудить такие важные темы в мире ELT с любимыми спикерами! Это вышка
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