Teaching young learners online

February, 14th
What is Trendy English?
Trendy English is a community of English teachers and language school directors founded in 2013. The community unites more than 11,000 members who are eager to develop professionally and exchange innovative ideas of English Teaching and Managing Language Schools. Trendy English also develops educational games for ELT under the brand Trendy English Games. So far, the Trendy English team has held 9 big international ELT conferences and numerous local events. This is our first conference for Hungary.

The main aim of the conference is exchange of proven experience of English language teaching in an interactive format.

At the conference you will:
  • gain new ideas for your lessons;
  • share experience with your colleagues;
  • obtain valuable takeaways that can help make your lessons more interactive.
Lithuania time
Classroom management: online vs offline
Elena Peresada, game-designer, the Head of Trendy English
Whether learning in a physical classroom or online, effective classroom management is key to a productive lesson. Online teaching prevents us from using many of the classroom management strategies we were accustomed to, but the spring 2020 taught us a lot about online teaching. Let's have a look at the best classroom management techniques which help to create and foster productive classrooms online.
A simple trick to dazzle your students: your online magic wand
Ekaterina Konon an English teacher, founder of UCanEnglish studio, youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/ekaterina_konon, group for teachers Teacher-switcher (https://vk.com/teacherswitcher) and different types of additional courses.
It's time to use new technologies and create a "wow-effect" online. This little "no green screen" trick will get all your pupils' attention. Together we will learn how to use a unique technology to increase their motivation and help them concentrate while reading, talking or writing. You will also be shown different ways of using it.
Hybrid lessons: tips to get started
Karina Gribkova is a teacher and an academic director at Language Studio Welcome, Moscow. She has been teaching English for 10 years and has experience working with all age groups, offline, online and hybrid. She is also an author of various courses for students and teachers. Qualifications: TKT 1,2,3, YL (all Band 4), CELTA (Pass A), CAE (Grade A), IH DOS.
In her talk Karina will be sharing some practical advice on how to launch hybrid learning in language schools. She will focus on establishing processes within an institution, catering for students both in the class and at home, maintaining effective classroom atmosphere, balancing between offline and online components.
Teaching children online? Why yes!
Anticipated problems and solutions.
Irina Gorbunova is a co-founder and a CEO of a Baobe - center of foreign languages in Novosibirks, Russia, a teacher of English and Chinese.
For the last few month I have interviewed a number of teachers who had on-line lessons with children. As the result I came to conclusion that all of them have the same problem. However, if there is a problem, there must be a solution.
The conference will be held in ZOOM.
One day before the conference you will receive an email with a link for online access.
You will be able to ask your questions in the chat box during the speakers' presentations and turn your mic and camera on to take part in the master-mind session.
Free registration
You will receice an email from info@trendyenglish.ru
Consent for collection and processing of personal data is voluntary. By confirming my consent, I hereby declare that I am older than 16 and that the given information is true and credible. I acknowledge that: I can request a review and correction, erasure or restriction of the processing of my personal data, or file an objection to the processing and portability of my personal data by a written request to: info@trendyenglish.ru. The erasure of personal data will be arranged without undue delay within 30 days of receiving the request. I can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if I consider that the processing of personal data infringes Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). My personal data will be processed exclusively by the Trendy English and will not be disclosed to third parties, to which I give my explicit consent.
WhatsApp: +79254814229 Daria

email: info@trendyenglish.ru
Banking detals
Sole Entrepreneur Elena Peresada (ИП Пересада Е.В.)
Address: Moscow, Ozernaya St. 9 (Юридический адрес: Москва, ул.Озерная, д.9, кв.89)
INN 740300876280 Reg. Number 308504704600032 (ИНН 740300876280 ОГРНИП 308504704600032)
Acc 40802810200000935415 Tinkoff Bank (Р/С 40802810200000935415 Банк АО «Тинькофф Банк»)
к/сч 30101810145250000974 БИК 044525974