July, 5
Trendy English Game Forum:
Let's make them speak
online conference
About the conference
"Can you recommend any games for speaking practice?"
This is the most popular question teachers ask us.
There are many games and activities that you can do with your students to develop their speech and language skills. Our speakers are ready to show you their favourite games and give advice how to use them with your students effectively.
July 5, Moscow time
10:10 - 10:40
10:10 - 10:40
James Egerton
James is a Delta-qualified teacher and teacher trainer currently working at International House Rome Accademia Britannica. He studied French and Spanish at university before teaching in Spain for four years and Latvia for two, before arriving in Rome in 2018. He is a CELTA and IHCYLT tutor, and has presented several webinars and conference talks, specialising in online teaching and educational psychology. He blogs on ELT at www.jamesegerton.wordpress.com.
Role-Playing Games in ELT

Games with Aims
Looking for new ideas for teaching online? Want to find out how to be a Games Master alongside your teacher role? Roleplay games (RPGs) are very engaging and provide the perfect opportunity for real-life-like improvisation under pressure, not always the case in the sterility of the classroom.
10:45 - 11:15
10:45 - 11:15
Elena Peresada
English teacher, game-designer, game-educator, the head of Trendy English community
Vocabulary and Speaking games

Educational games come in so many varieties and are useful for a lot of different purposes.
In my talk I'll consider what specific features of games will promote learning of a particular type. We will have a look at different types of games: vocabulary, drilling and speaking games; and learn how to get most of them in our lessons.
11:20 - 11:50
11:20 - 11:50
Peter A.Stepichev
Peter A.Stepichev – NATE executive director, MELTA vice-president, teacher trainer and author. His patented tool "Grammar Cube" and a series of board games won the recognition in 2012 Moscow Teacher of the Year contest, resulting in winning a scholarship to study at Norwich (England) and Germany. This experience as well as participation in 2014 IPV program in the USA allows the presenter to share lots of practical ideas for the lesson
Fun ways to teach vocabulary as a pathway to speaking

Vocabulary is one of the factors for successful communication. We will look at the ways to teach and to learn words effectively without losing enthusiasm. We will also cover methods of transforming word lists into speech patterns.
11:55 - 12:25
11:55 - 12:25
Marina Bocharova
Marina Bocharova has been teaching English for over 20 years at Voronezh State University as well as in the corporate IT setting and her own online project. A PhD and Cambridge CPE certificate holder and Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, she promotes game-based learning, designs multi-episode roleplays for her Business English course and runs a course for teachers to share her experience.
Designing Multi-Episode Roleplays for Your Course: the Whys and the Hows

As role-plays have made their way into communicative language teaching, it appears essential for teachers to be able to integrate them smartly and smoothly into their courses and make role-plays contribute to students' learning outcomes.
One way to do so is to use numerous ready-made role-plays found in teachers' resource books. There can arise an issue, though, of this being occasional or making the course patchy with no uniform storyline or characters.
Another way towards game-based learning is to create your own role-plays that help attain the learning objectives perfectly throughout the course.
In this talk I am going to share why we should and how we can make role-plays an integral part of an English course. I will also be talking about the essential steps in developing a role-playing series.
12:30 - 13:00
12:30 - 13:00
Irina Mudritsyna
English teacher, game-designer, game-educator
Teambuilding games

Teambuilding activities are a great way to help students learn about each other, build trust and feel connected…at the same time using the target language.
So, we can kill two birds with one stone because teambuilding activities have everything we want from speaking activities: they provide the student's interaction, they require sharing ideas, achieving common goals and listening to each other.
I am going to share and play with you some teambuilding games which work great and were tested on low-teens, teenagers and adults in both online and offline environments.
13:05 - 13:35
13:05 - 13:35
Mike Astbury
Mike is an English language teacher based in Newcastle. His website, www.teachinggamesefl.com has dozens of games, activities and lesson plans for language teachers to use with their students of all ages and levels. His work has won a number of awards and has also been published online by The British Council and Cambridge University Press.

This session will look at ways we can introduce more authentic speaking practice into our lessons using short roleplay games. The focus is on using unrealistic situations to practice real and practical language skills
13:40 - 14:20
13:40 - 14:20
Graham Stanley
Graham Stanley is the British Council's English for Education Systems Lead for the Americas. He is editor of Remote Teaching (British Council, 2019), author of Language Learning with Technology (CUP, 2013), and co-author of Digital Play: Computer Games and Language Aims (Delta Publishing, 2011). Graham is also Newsletter editor for the IATEFL LTSIG.
Storytelling games

Designed to stimulate student conversation and imagination, interactive storytelling games can be used with all different levels and age groups of students. You'll see how these activities can easily be set up and can motivate your students to speak.
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All participants receive certificates and video two days after the conference.
+79254814229 Daria
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