12:00 - 12:30
Natalya Ivanova
Natalya works as DOS for language school Inotext, Novosibirsk. She is a teacher with more than 15 years of experience, and a teacher trainer. A Speaker at Trendy English Talks Siberia. The organizer of CPD conferences for teachers in Novosibirsk. Specializes in teaching teens.
The five triggers of intrinsic motivation
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," a famous proverb says. The same happens in your classrooms every day. Students are inside the room but without motivation and engagement the information you give, can't be learned. Marks and bonuses can help for sometime, but their magic is not permanent. It seems that we need some magic spells (a range of techniques) to increase inner motivation. I will talk about 5 universal motivational triggers. A combination of at least some of these triggers works magic during the lessons. You will see your students working hard, enjoying their learning, making progress and above all in flow.