Motivating Teens
online conference
February 9, 2020
О конференции
If you want to get your students to use English in class, it all boils down to motivation.

Motivation is a key concept in foreign language learning for any age group, but teaching a class of teenagers can sometimes be extra challenging when it comes to keeping their focus on the lesson itself.

As a teacher of teenage English learners, you expect your students to use the language in constructive ways. At this online conference we will take a deeper look at what affects motivation, and you will you learn some valuable tips to help increase it in your students.
9 февраля, воскресенье
Angela Tatosyan
Master of Education Administration, ELT Consultant and Projects Manager, Cambridge University Press, Moscow
How to Spark Student's Interest and Foster more Meaningful Learning Experiences?

How do we go about creating a pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere so all our pupils can enjoy their learning experience? Understanding the methodology and meeting the challenges.
We will look at some activities from Cambridge University Press Secondary resources that help to develop students' language abilities as well as to motivate them to continue learning.
10:40 - 11:10
10:40 - 11:10
Sofia Leone
Sofia Leone has worked in southern Italy for the past 8 years and is dedicated to helping young people achieve their potential both inside and outside the language classroom. She is a British Council teacher and qualified life coach for young people and her mission is to boost young people's self-esteem through coaching based activities.
For more information on the work she does you can visit her website:
Building Self Confidence in Teens: Activities with Purpose

This webinar looks at motivational activities to use in order to build a positive and empowering teenage classroom.
I have been working almost exclusively with teenagers for the past three years and the results have been highly positive thanks to a combination of life coaching techniques, listening skills and most importantly, materials with purpose. This workshop will show teachers how familiar and relevant teenage topics such as selfies and pizza can be easily transformed into engaging and exciting activities that empower and challenge teenagers. Furthermore, it aims to prove that helping students to reflect on mistakes and procrastination in a positive fashion is actually a way of giving them permission to be themselves.
Participants will go back to their teenage classes armed with engaging tasks and positive vibes, ready to inspire and be inspired. It is time to teach the teens, not the course book..
11:15 - 11:45
11:15 - 11:45
Eleonora Kruzhkova
Teacher and teacher trainer with more than 15 years of experience, education games designer. She has experience working as a teacher, teacher trainer, freelancer, school owner.

Eleonora blogs about teaching and exam preparation in Instagram @linorik_ and runs YES Territory language centre in Mytishi and creates resources and online-courses for teachers
Reasons of non-motivation of teenagers

What really motivates teenagers ? Do they definitely know what they want? It happens that teenagers have no intention to study at all. Your mind goes blank when you choose the activities for your every next lesson. Nothing can motivate your student but gadgets and chatting. Have you ever faced this problems? It's a common misconception . What makes a lesson riveting? I'm going to tell you about reasons of non-motivation of teenagers and their fears and beliefs. I am also going to share some technics which will make your lessons bright and effective!
11:45 - 12:00
11:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:00 - 12:30
Natalya Ivanova
Natalya works as DOS for language school Inotext, Novosibirsk. She is a teacher with more than 15 years of experience, and a teacher trainer. A Speaker at Trendy English Talks Siberia. The organizer of CPD conferences for teachers in Novosibirsk. Specializes in teaching teens.
The five triggers of intrinsic motivation

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," a famous proverb says. The same happens in your classrooms every day. Students are inside the room but without motivation and engagement the information you give, can't be learned. Marks and bonuses can help for sometime, but their magic is not permanent. It seems that we need some magic spells (a range of techniques) to increase inner motivation. I will talk about 5 universal motivational triggers. A combination of at least some of these triggers works magic during the lessons. You will see your students working hard, enjoying their learning, making progress and above all in flow.
12:35 - 13:05
12:35 - 13:05
Elena Peresada
Elena is an English teacher, a teacher trainer and a materials writer. She is the the author of StudyCraft methodology at and the leader of Trendy English Community
To play or not to play

If you have a look at coursebooks for primary schools and attend workshops on teaching young learners, it's all about fun and games. But as soon as our students go from primary to secondary school we as teachers also switch to a new mode. With exams and tests ahead teachers focus on "serious" stuff, "we are not clowns, we don't have to entertain them all the time."

Games are then used as time consumers or amusing activities to spice up the lesson and motivate students to attend our lessons.

But why don't we regard games as an integral part of the lesson? In reality games and fun are more complex things than many of us think.

In my talk I'll demonstrate how to implement games into your lessons properly and give a step-by-step guide that provides a structure for a gamified lesson: both motivational and efficient.
13:10 - 13:40
13:10 - 13:40
James Egerton
James is a Delta-qualified teacher and teacher trainer currently working at International House Rome Accademia Britannica. He studied French and Spanish at university before teaching in Spain for four years and Latvia for two, before arriving in Rome in 2018. As well as extensive experience with teens, he is a CELTA and IHCYLT tutor, and has presented several webinars and conference talks. He blogs on ELT at
Please Think Responsibly: Teen Gasoline

Today's teens are tomorrow's adults, but they are also yesterday's children. Crossing the challenging terrain between childhood and adulthood is no easy task, as we all know, but allowing our teenagers to have more responsibility and self-ownership can really boost motivation and subsequent performance. During this webinar, I'll briefly discuss the science and psychology behind this concept; then introduce several simple and practical ways in which we as English teachers can help to release our teenage learners' potential by putting them in the driving seat to direct their own learning progress.
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