Архив выступлений
про экзамены
13 выступлений
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«Find your way in successful preparation students to B1 preliminary speaking »
Galina sharonova
«Time to gamify your FCE exam prep»
Irina ozolina
«Find your Zen and master Russian state exam 2022»
Tatiana Odintsova
«EGE Speaking: How to balance teaching and testing»
natasha belousova
Что входит
в архив
In this short and dynamic talk we will be looking at key skills which young learners need to pass Cambridge YLE exams. We will look at exam-oriented activities to develop critical thinking and reading skills, spelling, and vocabulary activities, too. This practical talk will leave you with plenty of ideas and a number of effective strategies and activities.
In 2020-2021 teachers faced a lot of hardships. But the year 2022 has something new in store: an updated version of the Russian State exam. Are the changes for the better? We'll see later. However, for the time being we need to do our best to master this new format of writing and speaking tasks. In this workshop, the participants will discuss the peculiarities of the new tasks. We will talk about the strategies of effective lesson planning for exam classes and try out several activities that work in practice.
Irina will talk about the 7- stage approach to gamify your FCE exam prep.Everyone goes through phases when a piece of work or a
particular topic feels impossible to master, impossibly dull or impossible to complete in time for a looming deadline. In the exam situation what's needed is a more powerful means of motivating yourself to conquer your
workload. One way of doing this is to use the principles of 'gamification'. You will get to know 7-stage approach of gamification of such preparation on the example of building a spaceship. Every teacher can make Elon Musk of himself/herself.
This session covers a few preparation strategies for EGE speaking. The participants will explore the following:

  1. The difference between testing and teaching speaking;
  2. Useful speaking strategies for EGE;
  3. Activities helping students develop speaking sub-skills useful for EGE;
  4. Ways of exploring EGE speaking materials to save time in class and cater for various EGE modules in one lesson.
The workshop also demonstrates ways of integrating oral reflection diaries, self-assessment rubrics and other procedures aimed at helping students become independent learners. The self-assessment tools explored in the session will also reduce the teacher's marking time and shift this burden on the students.

The goal is for participants to walk away with concrete ideas for their own classes.
«Задания 3 и 4 устной части ЕГЭ: подстелить соломки или дать крылья?»
Tatiana Odintsova
Как эксперт ЕГЭ, каждое лето я сталкиваюсь с печальной тенденцией - дети бодро выдают зазубренный текст введения и заключения, а в середине путаются, и не находят слов. Хорошо ли это, что у детей есть в голове готовый текст? Что нужно сделать, чтобы ученики могли спокойно описывать фото, а не судорожно вспоминать "секретные фразы"? На вебинаре вы получите ответы на эти вопросы, а также я поделюсь практическими идеями подготовки к этим разделам экзамена
«Generating ideas for a perfect EGE essay»
ekaterina shadrova
«Где найти идеи для экзаменационного эссе по английскому языку (ЕГЭ)?»
наташа белоусова
«How to pass an exam. A cocktail of best practices»
«How to teach argumentative writing: honing exam skills at school»
Alexey Konobeiev
In this workshop I will show various ways how to scaffold writing an exam essay. Participants will practise a few activities that they will be able to try out immediately in their classrooms.
Одним из самых сложных заданий ЕГЭ по английскому языку по праву считается задание 40 – эссе. Именно в этом задании проверяется умение ученика кратко, емко и убедительно изложить свои мысли по теме с использованием лексики и грамматики продвинутого уровня. Причины неуспеха в этом задании часто кроются не в недостаточном владении английским языком, а в отсутствии идей.
На вебинаре участники познакомятся со стратегиями и технологиями, которые помогут ученикам генерировать идеи для развития темы сочинения и сделать их аргументацию более убедительной. Все стратегии можно будет попробовать на себе и обсудить с коллегами
We are going to learn ways and techniques of creating arguments, writing essays and other types of exam texts. A wealth of free internet resources and some useful worksheets will make teaching writing easier and more fun.
polina kordik
«Find your writing first aid kit just before the exam»
Iuliia Dementeva
«Find Your IELTS»
Maria Molashenko
«Writing for CAE: On the road to a perfect essay»
polina kordik
As the exam draws near, many exam CAE, CPE, EGE or IELTS candidates lose confidence. Their most common fears? Not being able to produce two pieces of writing within the time limit and doubting whether they have grasped the writing criteria. In my talk, I'm going to propose a solution called the Writing Clinic. It is a frame, a lesson plan and a tool that has contributed to improving the CAE writing results of over 100 students at the Polina Kordik School.
We'll cover 3 most common and scary aspects of teaching IELTS. You'll find out the solutions and will be inspired to conquer this IELTS world which could be productive and super rewarding. Do join in for some quality IELTS chat, all right?
Writing an essay for an exam is what keeps a lot of students awake at night. How do you make sure that you understand the task? How do you plan your essay? What components do you need to include in your essay to get top scores? These are the questions that we are going to cover in my workshop to equip you with a system of skills and knowledge to succeed in the exam.
Спикеры и эксперты
Irina Ozolina
«Time to gamify your FCE exam prep»
Ekaterina Shadrova
«Generating ideas for a perfect EGE essay»
Maria Molashenko
Natasha Belousova
«Где найти идеи для экзаменационного эссе по английскому языку (ЕГЭ)?», «EGE Speaking: How to balance teaching and testing»

Алексей Конобеев
«How to teach argumentative writing: honing exam skills at school»
Polina Kordik
«How to pass an exam. A cocktail of best practices», «Writing for CAE: On the road to a perfect essay»
Galina Sharonova
«Find your way in successful preparation students for B1 Preliminary Speaking»
Татьяна Одинцова
«Как выжать КИМ по максимуму и сделать его максимально полезным», «Find your Zen and master Russian state exam 2022»

Iuliia Dementeva
«Find your writing first aid kit just before the exam»
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